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polars_st.GeoLazyFrame #

Bases: LazyFrame

st property #

polars_st.GeoLazyFrameNameSpace #

polars_st.GeoLazyFrameNameSpace.sjoin #

    other: LazyFrame,
    on: str | Expr | None = None,
    how: JoinStrategy = "inner",
    predicate: Literal[
    ] = "intersects",
    left_on: str | Expr | None = None,
    right_on: str | Expr | None = None,
    suffix: str = "_right",
    validate: JoinValidation = "m:m",
    join_nulls: bool = False,
    coalesce: bool | None = None,
    allow_parallel: bool = True,
    force_parallel: bool = False
) -> LazyFrame

Perform a spatial join operation with another LazyFrame.